ASUS RX3042H, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, DDNS, SNTP, SNMP, PPTP, DHCP, PPPoE, Stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall, Denial of Service (DoS) protection, Access Control List..., CE, FCC Class B, VCCI, C-Tick, UL, 0 - 40 도, -20 - 65 도, 10 - 90 퍼센트
ASUS RX3042H. 지원 프로토콜: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, DDNS, SNTP, SNMP, PPTP, DHCP, PPPoE. 방화벽 보안: Stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall, Denial of Service (DoS) protection, Access Control List.... 인증: CE, FCC Class B, VCCI, C-Tick, UL. 전력 요구사항: DC 12 V, 1.25 A, 최대 데이타 전송률: 0.1 기가비트/초, 크기(가로x세로x높이): 15.35 x 19.38 x 4.25 밀리미터