Multilingual data-sheets
75+ languages supported
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Multilingual data-sheets

Icecat product content is used worldwide by tens of thousands of channel partners. These channel partners need product content in the preferred languages of their buyers. Via the Icecat multilingual service, manufacturers' product information is offered automatically in more than 75 world languages. We are continuously work on expanding the number of supported languages to fully support the needs of our clients. We provide generative AI support to suggest translations of, for example, marketing texts and product titles.

Unique: 75+ languages supported

Often manufacturers have only one or a limited number of translations available. By participating in Open Icecat all data-sheet specifications (feature names and values) will be automatically translated into the supported 75+ languages.

Channel partners want multilingual data-sheets

Channel partners want product content in relevant languages. Providing data-sheets only in English is not an option for most channel partners. Additionally, channel partners cannot be expected to translate information for tens of thousands or even millions of products. Via Open Icecat your channel partners can get product data in their language(s) of choice.
  • Free of charge multilingual product content:
    All your worldwide channel partners can get your product data in their local language for free.
  • Included in Open Icecat
    The multilingual data-sheets are distributed to the extensive network of Open Icecat channel partners
  • Automatically translated:
    Data-sheet specifications are automatically published in all 75+ available languages
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